We are a professional network of art therapists working to educate, advocate for and increase access to art therapy services in the Buffalo Niagara areas of WNY. Our site is an educational one, that features profiles of many therapists working in the Buffalo Niagara, NY area.
Some of the professional art therapists featured on our site work with children and families, others with adults; some provide individual art therapy services, and some provide group art therapy; some work in private practice and others at clinics or in hospitals. Depending on what you are looking for in terms of treatment, location, and cost, who you choose to contact may vary.
The professional art therapists in our network are here to answer any questions you may have, whether you are a fellow professional, new professional, student, or community member looking for services or simply looking for more information about the field of art therapy. Each of us has a wealth and variety of educational and professional experience backgrounds that we are happy to share with those interested in the pursuit of art therapy as a career path, those seeking services, or those who desire to have an educational presentation or hands-on workshop delivered at their agency or institution. Please take a look through some of the profiles below and contact someone directly that interests you with any specific questions you might have!